Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mike & Maria

It was an absolutely beautiful day on Saturday. I was very fortunate to have been asked to help take the lead on photographing this amazing couple. Thank you to Lifetime Image for considering me to help capture this day.
Maria was such a beautiful bride. She is originally from Guatemala and most of her family flew in to help celebrate her wedding day. They were such a lively group and so much fun to be around.

Directly after the ceremony, the couple stepped outside where the clouds had finally blown away and waiting for them were two pure white doves ready for their release. It was a great moment for them and all their guest, especially when they released the other flock of doves that were sneakly hidden behind them.

The entire bridal party was such a blast. As I was placing all the men and little men in the picture....I asked "grandpa" to take a step to his right and everyone busted out in laughter! And yes...he is a grandpa, 15 grandchildren. But they were not acustomed to calling him that. Its a good thing everyone has a sense of humor!!

The day was filled with lots of smiles, laughter and some pretty crazy dance moves =D
All in all, it was a great day and I'm glad I got to share it with two amazing families and two amazing people. Thank you!


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