Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Family

I first heard from my sister-in-law and then my information was re-routed to Amy....my sister-in-law's sister-in-law. LOL!

Amy and her family made the trip to the in home studio where we were able to take some nice family pictures. Poor Adam.....he had just gotten a few stitches taken out not too long before the session and still had recovery marks on his super cute face....but lucky for us...the photoshop fairy sprinkled a little dust on me and I was able to make it all better. Sort of like when you give a kid a kiss on their owie....except this was done electronically. =D

Besides, how weird would that be if your photographer started kissing your child's owies. LOL...no worries, totally would NOT happen. But the visual is enough to make you chuckle a little. Hehe.
 Even though Adam wanted to stick his tongue out at me for just about every pictures...I got lucky anyhow and still caught him smiling!
They even brought along the family pet. She was so excited once we got her out of the car. She ran all over the place. So its a good thing we stopped for pictures at a rather large feild.

All in all, we were lucky that the trees sheilded us from the cool wind and that the sun was brightly shinning. I'm so happy that I was able to spend the morning with them and meet the entire family....pet included.

~ Colleen

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